{{ flash_message }}
{% endfor %}
{% if incidence is defined and incidence.id %}
COD-Incidencia {{ incidence.getAlias }}
{% if incidence.customer is not null %} {{ incidence.customer.getName }} {% else %} Sin cliente asociado. {% endif %}
Acceder a la ficha
{% if incidence.customer is not null %} {{ incidence.customer.getName }} {% else %} Sin cliente asociado. {% endif %}
{% if incidence.customer.id is defined %} {{ incidence.customer.typeCustomer.description }}{% endif %}
Acceder a la ficha
{{ incidence.getTypeIncidenceStatus.description }} {{ incidence.getTypeIncidence.description }}
Fecha creación
{{ incidence.dateCreation | date('d-m-Y \\a \\l\\a\\s H:i:s') }}
Fecha resolución
{% if incidence.dateCollection %}{{ incidence.dateCollection | date('d-m-Y \\a \\l\\a\\s H:i:s') }}{% else %} {% endif %}
Usuario creación
{% if incidence.userCreation %}{{ incidence.userCreation.name }}{% else %} {% endif %}
Usuario resolución
{% if incidence.userCollection %}{{ incidence.userCollection.name }}{% else %} {% endif %}
{% if incidence.incidenceElements | length > 0 %}
{% if render(controller('CoreBundle:Incidences:checkIfAllReturnsAreClosed', { 'id' : incidence.id })) == 'true' and incidence.typeincidencestatus.id != constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeIncidenceStatus::ID_STATUS_CLOSED') %}
{% endif %}
{% if incidence.typeIncidenceStatus.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeIncidenceStatus::ID_STATUS_OPEN') and incidence.return | length == 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if incidence.id is null %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% include 'CoreBundle:Incidence:_incidence_form.html.twig' %}
{% if incidence.id is not null %}
{% if incidence.typeIncidenceStatus.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeIncidenceStatus::ID_STATUS_OPEN') %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if incidence.return | length > 0 %}
COD-Devolución | Fecha de creación | Usuario | Proveedor | Stock en devolución | Fecha de envío | Fecha de reparación o abono | Tipo | Estado |
{{ item.alias }}{##} | {{ item.createdAt | date('Y-m-d') }}{{ item.createdAt | date('d/m/Y H:i') }} | {{ item.user.name }} | {{ item.dealer.name }} | {{ item.returnItem | length }} | {% if item.sentAt is not null %} {{ item.sentAt | date('d/m/Y G:i') }} | {% else %} --- {% endif %}{% if item.returnedAt %} {{ item.returnedAt | date('d/m/Y G:i') }} | {% else %} --- {% endif %}{% if item.type is not null %} {{ item.type.description }} {% else %} Por definir {% endif %} | {{ item.status.description }} |