{% extends '@Core/base.html.twig' %} {% block javascript %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block sectionTitle %}Pedido{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbLinks %}
  • Pedidos
  • Editar pedido
  • {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% set isLite = order.group.groupConfiguration.isLite %} {% include "@Core/Article/_stock_modal_menu.html.twig" %}
    {% for label, flashes in app.session.flashbag.all %} {% for flash in flashes %}
    {{ flash }}
    {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% if threads %}
    Actualizando este pedido en segundo plano. Quedan {{ threads | length }} artículos por procesar.
    {% endif %}
    COD - Pedido {{ order.alias }}
    {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:Orders:_orderStateIndicator',{'orderId':order.getId()})) }} {% if order.typeOrder %} {{ order.typeOrder.description }} {% endif %}
    {% if isLite == true %} {% set countAvailable = stock_lite_service.countOrderStockByParams(order, null, null, null, null, false) %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id >= constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_COMPLETED') %} {% set countPending = 0 %} {% else %} {% set countPending = stock_lite_service.countOrderStockByParams(order, null, null, null, null, true) %} {% endif %} {% set countAll = stock_lite_service.countOrderStockByParams(order) %} {% else %} {% set countAvailable = null %} {% set countPending = null %} {% set countAll = null %} {% endif %}
    {% if countAvailable > 0 %}
    {% if countAvailable == countAll %} {% if isLite == true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {#{{ countAvailable }}#} RECIBIDO {% else %} RECIBIDO {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {% if countPending > 0 %}
    {% endif %} {% if countAll > 0 %}
    {% endif %}
    Nº Pedido Fabricante
    {{ order.numOfOrder }}
    {% if not isShopManager %} {{ order.dealer.name }} {% else %} {{ order.dealer.name }} {% endif %}
    Fecha de creación
    {{ order.createdAt | date("d/m/Y") }}
    Fecha de servicio
    {% if order.orderInfo.uniqueDateServiceExpected is defined and order.orderInfo.uniqueDateServiceExpected %} {{ order.uniqueDateServiceExpected | date('d/m/Y') }} {% elseif order.orderInfo.uniqueDateServiceExpected is null and render(controller('CoreBundle:Orders:isMultipleDateOrder', { 'order' : order.id })) > 1 %} Fecha múltiple {% else %}

    Por configurar

    {% endif %}
    {{ order.season }}
    {% if order.orderDraft %} {% endif %} {% if order.orderEAN %} {% endif %}
    {% if threads | length == 0 %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id >= constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PENDING_RECEPTION') %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PARTIAL_RECEPTION') %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PENDING_CONFIRMATION') and order.articles | length > 0 %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PENDING_CONFIRMATION') and isLite == false %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PROFORMA') %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_COMPLETED') and isLite == true %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PENDING_CONFIRMATION') %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PENDING_CONFIRMATION') or order.typeStatusOrder.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PENDING_RECEPTION') %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id < constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PENDING_RECEPTION') and isLite == false %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.getTypeStatusOrder().getId() < constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusOrder::TYPE_STATUS_ORDER_PARTIAL_RECEPTION') and not order.haveLabelsBeenPrinted %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.articles | length > 0 %}
    {% endif %} {% if order.typeStatusOrder.id >= constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusStock::ID_STATUS_PENDING_RECEIPT') %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% include 'CoreBundle:Orders:_form.html.twig' %}
    {% if isLite == true %} {% include 'CoreBundle:Orders:order_article_list_lite.html.twig' %} {% else %} {% include 'CoreBundle:Orders:order_article_list.html.twig' %} {% endif %}
    {% include 'CoreBundle:Orders:order_document_list.html.twig' %}
    {% for obj in receptions %} {% endfor %}
    Alias Fecha Proveedor Tienda recepción Albarán Unidades Artículos Estado Acciones
    {{ obj.getAlias }} {{ obj.getDate | date('d/m/Y H:i:s')}} {% if obj.getDealer %}{{ obj.getDealer.name }}{% endif %} {% if obj.getShop %}{{ obj.getShop.name }}{% endif %} {{ obj.getNumDeliveryNote }} {% if isLite == false %} {{ obj.getStocks | length }} {% else %} {{ render(controller('CoreBundle:Reception:getAmountStockLiteInReception', { 'receptionId' : obj.id })) }} {% endif %} {{ render(controller('CoreBundle:Reception:getAmountArticlesInReception', { 'receptionId' : obj.id })) }}
    {{ render(controller('CoreBundle:Reception:_receptionActions',{'receptionId':obj.id})) }}
    {{ order.textBinnacle | raw }}
    {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:OrderArticle:_orderArticleIntoOrderDetail',{'orderId': order.id, 'dealerId': order.dealer.id})) }} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:OrderDocument:_orderDocumentIntoOrderDetail',{'orderId':order.id})) }} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:OrderPrint:_generatePdfIntoOrderDetail',{'orderId':order.id})) }} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:OrderArticle:_openDialogDistribuitrometro',{'orderId': order.getId()}))}} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:OrderArticle:_orderResumeDialog',{'orderId': order.id})) }} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:Orders:paintOrderInfoModal',{'orderId': order.id})) }} {% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}