{% extends '@Core/base.html.twig' %} {% block javascript %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %} {% block sectionTitle %}Pedido EAN{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbLinks %}
  • Pedidos EAN
  • Editar pedido
  • {% endblock %} {% block content %} {% include "@Core/Article/_stock_modal_menu.html.twig" %}
    {% if order.status == 10 %}
    Puede seguir trabajando con CLAC CLAC, le avisaremos mediante una alerta cuando el proceso en segundo plano haya terminado.
    {% endif %}
    #Pedido EAN
    {{ order.alias }}
    {% if not isShopManager %} {{ order.dealer.name }} {% else %} {{ order.dealer.name }} {% endif %}
    {{ order.uniqueDateServiceExpected | date('d/m/Y') }}
    {{ order.season }}
    {% if orders | length > 0 %}
    {% for order in orders %} {{ order.alias }}   {% endfor %}
    {% endif %} {% if receptions | length > 0 %}
    {% for reception in receptions %} {{ reception.alias }}   {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ order.brand }}
    {{ order.shop }}
    {{ order.pricat }}
    Tipo pedido
    {{ order.typeOrder }}
    Tallaje: {{ order.typeSizeOrderEAN }}
    {% if order.dateOrderClosing is null and orders | length == 0 %}
    {% if orders | length == 0 %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% if order.dateOrderClosing is null %}

    Paso 1.

    {% if order.eansReaded is not null %}

    Paso 2.

    {% endif %} {% if order.articles|length > 0 or order.articlesExisting|length > 0 %}

    Paso 3.

    {% endif %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if order.eansReaded is not null %}

    {% for item in eansReaded %} {% if item != "" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
    {% else %}

    {% for item in eansReaded %} {% if item != "" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if order.dateOrderClosing is null and orders | length == 0 %}
    {% endif %}
    Cargando ...
    {% if order.dateOrderClosing is null and orders | length == 0 %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if order.dateOrderClosing is null and orders | length == 0 %}
    {% endif %}
    Cargando ...
    {% if order.dateOrderClosing is null and orders | length == 0 %}
    {% endif %}

    {% for item in eansNotFound %} {% if item != "" %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
    {% include 'CoreBundle:OrdersEAN:_form.html.twig' %}
    {{ order.textBinnacle | raw }}
    {% include "@Core/OrdersEAN/_dialog_massive_scanbar_orders_ean.html.twig" %}
    {% endblock %} {% block script %} {% endblock %}