{% for size in typeSizeOrderedBySection[article.serie.id] %} {% endfor %} {% set shop = reception.shop %} {% set indexShop = loop.index %} {% set totalOrdered = 0 %} {% set totalReceived = 0 %} {% for size in typeSizeOrderedBySection[article.serie.id] %} {% set indexSize = loop.index %} {% set index = indexShop ~ indexSize %} {% endfor %}
{{ reception.shop.getName }} {{ size.getDescription }} TOTAL

{% set countMeOrderded = 0 %} {% set countMeReceived = 0 %} {% for stockChecked in stockByOrderByArticle[obj[0].id][article.id] %} {% if stockChecked.reception %} {% if (stockChecked.shopOwner.id == shop.id and stockChecked.typeSize.id == size.id and stockChecked.article.id == article.id and stockChecked.reception.id == reception.id) %} {% set countMeOrderded = countMeOrderded + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 1 %} {% if stockChecked.reception %} {% if (stockChecked.shop.id == shop.id and stockChecked.typeSize.id == size.id and stockChecked.article.id == article.id and stockChecked.reception.id == reception.id) %} {% set countMeReceived = countMeReceived + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if stockChecked.reception %} {% if (stockChecked.typeSize.id == size.id and stockChecked.article.id == article.id and stockChecked.reception.id == reception.id) %} {% set countMeReceived = countMeReceived + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if stockByReceptionWithoutOrderByArticle[article.id] is defined %} {% for stockChecked in stockByReceptionWithoutOrderByArticle[article.id] %} {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 1 %} {% if stockChecked.orders is null %} {% if (stockChecked.shop.id == shop.id and stockChecked.typeSize.id == size.id and stockChecked.article.id == article.id and stockChecked.reception.id == reception.id) %} {% set countMeReceived = countMeReceived + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% if stockChecked.orders is null %} {% if (stockChecked.typeSize.id == size.id and stockChecked.article.id == article.id and stockChecked.reception.id == reception.id) %} {% set countMeReceived = countMeReceived + 1 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}
{{ countMeOrderded }}

{% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 1 and modify == true %} {% else %}
{{ countMeReceived }}
{% endif %} {% set totalOrdered = totalOrdered + countMeOrderded %} {% set totalReceived = totalReceived + countMeReceived %}
{{ totalOrdered }}

{{ totalReceived }}