{% extends '@Core/base.html.twig' %} {% block sectionTitle %}Recepción {% endblock %} {% block sectionActions %} {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbLinks %}
  • Recepciones
  • {% if reception is not defined %}
  • Nuevo
  • {% else %}
  • Editar
  • {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block content %} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:ReceptionLabel:_openModalReceptionLabel', {'receptionId' : reception.id}))}}
    {% if threadsBackground %}
    Recepcionando los artículos en segundo plano.
    {% endif %} {% if threads %}
    Actualizando esta recepción en segundo plano.
    {% endif %} {% for flash_message in app.session.flashBag.get('success') %}
    {{ flash_message }}
    {% endfor %} {% for flash_message in app.session.flashBag.get('warning') %}
    {{ flash_message }}
    {% endfor %} {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusReception::ID_STATUS_TO_COMPLETED') %} {% if isPossibleResetReception["status"] == false %}
    {{ isPossibleResetReception["reason"] }}
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% if reception is defined and reception.id %}
    {% if ( reception.transfer | length ) == 0 and reception.typeStatusReception.id == 10 and reception.shop.typeShop.id != 1 and reception.stockOptimization is null %} {% if isLite == false %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 1 %} {% if isLite == false %}
    {% endif %} {% if reception.stocks | length > 0 %} {% if modify != true and isLite == false %} {% endif %} {% if isLite == false %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 10 %}
    {% endif %} {% if reception.stocks | length > 0 %} {% endif %} {% if isPossibleResetReception["status"] == true and isLite == false %} {% endif %} {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 10 %}
    {% endif %}
    {{ reception.getAlias }}
    {% if roleRight == true %} {{ reception.dealer.name }}
    {% else %} {{ reception.dealer.name }}
    {% endif %} {% if reception.shop %} Tienda de recepción: {{ reception.shop.name }}
    {% endif %} {% if reception.orderEAN %} Pedido EAN {{ reception.orderEAN.alias }}
    {% endif %} {% if reception.invoiceElements | length > 0 %} {% for invoiceElement in reception.invoiceElements %} Factura {{ invoiceElement.invoice.codeInvoice }} {% endfor %}
    {% endif %} Fecha de creación: {{ reception.date | date('d-m-Y \\a \\l\\a\\s H:i:s') }}
    {{ reception.typeStatusReception.description }}
    {% if isLite %} {% set received = 0 %} {% for item in reception.stocksLite %} {% set received = received + item.qty %} {% endfor %} {{ received }} {% else %} {{ reception.stocks | length }} {% endif %}
    {% if articles is defined %} {{ articles | length }} {% else %} 0 {% endif %}
    0 artículos seleccionados.
    {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 1 %}
    No hay modificaciones para ejecutar en la recepción.
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if isLite == false %}
    {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 1 %}
    {% include '@Core/Reception/reception_detail_add_stock_tab.html.twig' %} {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% include '@Core/Reception/reception_detail_information_tab.html.twig' %}
    {{ render(controller('CoreBundle:Orders:listOrderWidget',{'reception' : reception.id} )) }}
    {% if reception.typeStatusReception.id == 1 %}
    {% endif %} {% include '@Core/Reception/reception_detail_documentation_tab.html.twig' %}
    {% include '@Core/Reception/reception_detail_stock_included_tab.html.twig' %}
    {% include '@Core/Reception/reception_detail_summary_articles_tab.html.twig' %}
    {% if isLite == false %} {% if (reception.transfer | length ) > 0 %}
    {% include '@Core/Reception/reception_detail_transfers_tab.html.twig' %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if isLite == false %} {% if (reception.stockOptimization is not null ) %}
    {% include '@Core/Reception/reception_detail_working_orders_tab.html.twig' %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% include '@Core/Reception/reception_detail_binnacle_tab.html.twig' %}
    {% if reception.id is defined and reception.id %} {% endif %}
    {% include "@Core/Reception/_search_article_reception.html.twig" %} {% include "@Core/Reception/_dialog_stock_into_reception.html.twig" %}
    {% endblock%} {% block script %} {% endblock %}