Tipo de informe: {{ typeReport }}
Fecha de realización: {{ today | date('d/m/Y') }}
Tipo de agrupación: {% for message in typeReportGrouped %} {% if not groupConfiguration.showAutoincrementNumberForArticle and loop.index == 2 %} {% else %} {{ message }}, {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Segmentación {{ segmentation_txt }}
{% for message in typeReportGrouped %} {% if not groupConfiguration.showAutoincrementNumberForArticle and loop.index == 2 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% set size = 0 %} {##} {% set totalUnits = 0 %} {% set totalEuros = 0 %} {% for item in reportResult %} {% set texts = item['name']|split('#') %} {% if not groupConfiguration.showAutoincrementNumberForArticle %} {% set size = (texts | length) - 1 %} {% else %} {% set size = texts | length %} {% endif %} {% for text in texts %} {% if not groupConfiguration.showAutoincrementNumberForArticle and loop.index == 2 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %}
Imagen{{ message }}Unidades Total
{% if item["filename"] %} {% endif %}
{{ text }}
{{ item["total"] }} {% set totalUnits = totalUnits + item["total"] %} {{ item["pvpFinal"] | number_format(2, ',', '.') }}€ {% set totalEuros = totalEuros + item["pvpFinal"] %}
{{ totalUnits }} {{ totalEuros | number_format(2, ',', '.') }}€
{% include 'CoreBundle:Default:style-pdf.html.twig' %}