{% extends '@Core/base.html.twig' %} {% block sectionTitle %}Control de caja{% endblock %} {% block sectionActions %} Control de cajas {% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbLinks %}
  • Punto de venta
  • Listado de control de cajas
  • Control de caja
  • {% endblock %} {% block content %}
    {% form_theme formBasic 'bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig' %} {{ form_start(formBasic, {'attr': {'id': 'manageCashpointFormBasic'}}) }} {{ form_errors(formBasic) }}
    {% if manageCashpoint.alias is not null %} COD-Control de caja: {{ manageCashpoint.alias }} {% endif %}
    Caja: {{ manageCashpoint.cashpoint.name }}
    Tienda: {{ manageCashpoint.cashpoint.shop.name }}
    Fecha de apertura: {{ manageCashpoint.dateOpen | date ('d/m/Y G:i') }}
    Usuario: {{ manageCashpoint.userOpen.name }}
    {% if manageCashpoint.id is not null %}
    {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:ManageCashpoint:_manageCashpointStateIndicator',{ 'manageCashpointId': manageCashpoint.id })) }}
    {% endif %} {% if manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_CLOSED') %}

    Descuadre metalico:
    {{ manageCashpoint.fixCashAmount | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€
    Descuandre Tarjeta:
    {{ manageCashpoint.fixCardAmount | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€

    Total descuadre al cierre:

    {{ (manageCashpoint.fixCardAmount + manageCashpoint.fixCashAmount) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€

    Total descuadre en apertura:

    {{ (manageCashpoint.fixAmountOpen) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€

    {% endif %}
    Dinero en apertura de caja:
    {{ manageCashpoint.amountOpen | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€
    Total operaciones realizadas:
    {{ manageCashpoint.sales | length }}

    Total ingresos en metálico:
    {% if isInstantiate %} {{ (cashAmount) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€ {% else %} 0€ {% endif %}
    Total ingresos en tarjeta:
    {% if isInstantiate %} {{ cardAmount | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€ {% else %} 0€ {% endif %}
    Total ingresos transferencias:
    {{ manageCashpoint.incomeReceivedByTransfer | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€
    {% set totalSaleExpenses = 0 %} {% for saleExpenses in manageCashpoint.salesExpenses %} {% set totalSaleExpenses = totalSaleExpenses + saleExpenses.ammount %} {% endfor %} {% if totalSaleExpenses > 0 %}
    Total gastos de caja:
    {{ totalSaleExpenses | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€
    {% endif %}
    Total sobrante por devolución:
    {{ (totalPathSales * -1 ) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€
    {% if salesWithGiftCardRedeemed > 0 %}
    Tarjetas de regalo canjeadas:
    {{ salesWithGiftCardRedeemed }}
    {% endif %}

    Total ingresos en caja:

    {% if isInstantiate %} {{ (cardAmount + cashAmount) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€ {% else %} 0€ {% endif %}

    Total en caja en metálico:
    {% if isInstantiate %} {{ (manageCashpoint.amountOpen + cashAmount - manageCashpoint.getTotalSaleExpenses()) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€ {% else %} 0€ {% endif %}
    Total ingresos por reservas:
    {% if isInstantiate %} {{ (reserveAmount) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€ {% else %} 0€ {% endif %}

    Importe {% if manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_OPENEND') %} provisional de cierre: {% elseif manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_CLOSED') %} cierre de caja: {% endif %}

    {% if isInstantiate %} {% if manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_OPENEND') %} {{ (manageCashpoint.amountOpen + cardAmount + cashAmount - manageCashpoint.totalSaleExpenses) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€ {% elseif manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_CLOSED') %} {{ manageCashpoint.amountClose | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€ {% endif %} {% else %} 0€ {% endif %}

    {% if manageCashpoint.gainClosed != 0 %} {{ (manageCashpoint.gainClosed) | number_format(2, '.', '') }}€ {% else %} - {% endif %}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.id, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '1'} }) }} {{ form_row(formBasic.group, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '2'} }) }}


    {{ form_row(formBasic.amountOpen, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.fixAmountOpen, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}


    {{ form_row(formBasic.cashAmount, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.fixCashAmount, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.cardAmount, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.fixCardAmount, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.amountClose, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.fixAmountClose, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.extractMoneyUser) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.extractMoneyAmount, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.incomeReceivedByTransfer, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(formBasic.observations, { 'attr': { 'tabindex' : '7'} }) }}
    {{ form_end(formBasic) }}
    {% if manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_OPENEND') %} {% endif %}
    {% if isInstantiate and manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_CLOSED') and manageCashpoint.group.groupConfiguration.isEnabledModifyMC == false %}
    {% if manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_CLOSED') %}
    Atención !!! Esta es la información relativa al momento del Cierre de Caja. Si se han hecho cambios a posteriori, como ediciones de pago..etc. éstos no se contemplarán.
    {% endif %} {{ manageCashpoint.textBinnacle | raw }}
    {% endif %} {% if isInstantiate and manageCashpoint.typeStatusManageCashpoint.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusManageCashpoint::ID_STATUS_TO_CLOSED') and manageCashpoint.group.groupConfiguration.isEnabledModifyMC == true %}
    {% for obj in sales %} {% if obj.typeStatusSale.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusSale::ID_STATUS_TO_IN_RESERVED') or obj.typeStatusSale.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusSale::ID_STATUS_TO_IN_RESERVED_CANCELED') %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% for flash_message in app.session.flashBag.get('success') %}
    {{ flash_message }}
    {% endfor %} {% for flashMessage in app.session.flashbag.get('cashpoint_open') %} {% endfor %}
    {% endblock%} {% block script %} {% endblock %}