{% if totalSale > 0 %}
Total precio artículos
{{ totalBase | number_format(2, ',', '.') }}€ |
{% endif %}
{{ render (controller('CoreBundle:SalesPoint:_discountForTotal',{'saleId':sale.id})) }}
{% for bag in sale.bagOnSale %}
{% if sale.typestatussale.id != constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusSale::ID_STATUS_TO_COMPLETED') %}
{% endif %}
{{ bag.amount | number_format(2, ',', '.') }}€ |
{% endfor %}
{% if sale.getIsBeenRounded %}
- {{ sale.getRoundAmount | number_format(2, ',', '.') }}€ |
{% endif %}
{% if sale.getPathAmount %}
Sobrante por devolución
{{ sale.getPathAmount | number_format(2, ',', '.') }}€ |
{% endif %}
Total de la venta
{% if sale.typestatussale.id != constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusSale::ID_STATUS_TO_COMPLETED') and sale.typestatussale.id != constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusSale::ID_STATUS_TO_IN_RESERVED') and sale.typestatussale.id != constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusSale::ID_STATUS_TO_IN_RESERVED_CANCELED') and sale.typestatussale.id != constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusSale::ID_STATUS_TO_BE_CANCELED') %}
{% if totalMissing > 0 %}
{% if (groupConfiguration.disableDiscountsOnTPV == false and groupConfiguration.useJustCustomDiscountsOnTPV == false) or roleRight == true %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{{ totalSale | number_format(2, ',', '.') }}€ |