{% extends '@Core/base.html.twig' %} {% block sectionTitle %}Stock{% endblock %} {% block sectionActions %}
{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbLinks %}
  • Stock
  • Detalle de stock
  • {% endblock %} {% block content %}
    {% if stock.reception %} {% if stock.reception.typeStatusReception.id == 1 %}
    Este stock está incluído en un proceso de recepción. Por favor, no haga cambios en este stock hasta que el proceso de recepción haya finalizado.
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:Article:renderArticleLocatorAlias',{'articleId':stock.article.getId()})) }} {% if stock.article.group.groupConfiguration.showAutoincrementNumberForArticle %}
    Nº ordenación de artículo
    {{ stock.article.autoIncrement }}
    {% endif %} {% if typeStockAliasInUse == 1 %}
    {{ stock.alias }}
    {% endif %} {% if typeStockAliasInUse == 2 %} {% if articleExtraBarcode %}
    {{ articleExtraBarcode.barcodeCC }}
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if typeStockAliasInUse == 3 %} {% if articleExtraBarcode %}
    {{ articleExtraBarcode.barcode }}
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if stock.article.ref %}
    Ref. fabricante:
    {{ stock.article.ref }}
    {% endif %} {% if stock.aliasLowDensity != stock.alias|replace({'-': ""}) %} {% endif %}
    {{ stock.createdAt | date("d/m/Y H:i:s") }}
    {% if stock.dateOfBirth is not null %}
    Pendiente de recepción
    {{ stock.dateOfBirth | date("d/m/Y H:i:s") }}
    {% endif %} {% if stock.dateOfReception is not null %}
    {{ stock.dateOfReception | date("d/m/Y H:i:s") }}
    {% endif %} {% if stock.group.groupConfiguration.trendicoTypeSizeSyncEnabled %} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:Stock:showEquivalenceDetailForStock',{stockId:stock.id}))}} {% endif %}
    {% include("CoreBundle:Discounts:_stock_header_prices_discounts_new_and_next.html.twig") %} {% if stock.typeStatusStock.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusStock::ID_STATUS_SOLD') %} {{ render(controller('CoreBundle:Stock:paintStockSaleDetail' , { 'stock' : stock.id })) }} {% endif %}

    {{ stock.pvp }}€

    {% if roleRight == true or isOffice %} {% if stock.costPricePlusTaxes == stock.costPriceWithDiscountPlusTaxes %}
    P.Coste ( CON Impuestos )

    {{ stock.costPricePlusTaxes }}€

    Sin descuentos
    {% else %}
    P.Coste ( CON Impuestos )

    {{ stock.costPricePlusTaxes }}€

    Sin descuentos
    P.Coste ( CON Impuestos )

    {{ stock.costPriceWithDiscountPlusTaxes }}€

    Con descuentos
    {% endif %} {% if stock.group.groupConfiguration.showCostPriceWithoutTaxes %} {% if stock.costPrice == stock.costPriceWithDiscount %}
    P.Costo ( SIN Impuestos )

    {{ stock.costPrice }}€

    Sin descuentos
    {% else %}
    P.Costo ( SIN Impuestos )

    {{ stock.costPrice }}€

    Sin descuentos
    P.Costo ( SIN Impuestos )

    {{ stock.costPriceWithDiscount }}€

    Con descuentos
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

    {{ stock.article.alias }} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:Stock:listAlertForStock',{stockId:stock.id}))}} {{ stock.getTypeSize.description }}

    {{ stock.article.getBrand()}}
    {{ stock.article.articleModel}}
    {{ stock.article.articleColor }}
    {% if roleRight == true or isOffice %} {{ stock.article.dealer.name }}
    {% if stock.article.season %} {{ stock.article.season.name }} {% endif %}
    {% else %} {{ stock.article.dealer.name }} - {% if stock.article.season %}
    {{ stock.article.season.name }} {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if stock.orders is not null %} {% if roleRight == true or isOffice %} Pedido
    {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if stock.reception %} Recepción {% endif %} {% if render(controller('CoreBundle:Stock:isStockInReturn', { 'stock' : stock.id })) == 'true' %} Devolución
    {% endif %} {% if stock.typeStatusStock.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusStock::ID_STATUS_RESERVE') %} {% set idSale = render(controller('CoreBundle:SalesPoint:findSaleByStock', { 'id' : stock.id })) %} {% if idSale != "" %} Reserva en venta
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% if stock.typeStatusStock.id >= constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusStock::ID_STATUS_PENDING_RECEIPT') %}
    {% endif %} {% if stock.article.isWhiteLabel == false and stock.article.isLite == false %} {% if stock.shop.id == shopInSession and stock.typeStatusStock.id == constant('CoreBundle\\Entity\\TypeStatusStock::ID_STATUS_AVAILABLE') %}
    {% endif %} {% endif %}
    {% form_theme form 'bootstrap_3_layout.html.twig' %} {{ form_start(form) }} {{ form_errors(form) }}
    {{ stock.shopOwner }}
    {% if stock.article.isWhiteLabel == false %}
    {% else %} {% endif %}
    {{ stock.companyOwner }}
    {{ form_row(form.qty, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '5'} }) }}
    {{ form_row(form.observations, { 'attr': {'tabindex': '6'} }) }}
    {% if stock.article.isWhiteLabel == false and stock.article.isLite == false %}
    {% if stock.article.isWhiteLabel == false %} {{ render (controller('CoreBundle:Transfer:listShopsForTransfer'))}} Solicitar traspaso {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {% if roleRight == true or isOffice %}
    {% if stock.article.isWhiteLabel == false %} {% endif %}
    {% endif %} {{ form_end(form) }}
    {{ render(controller('CoreBundle:Stock:getSales', {'stockId' : stock.id})) }}
    {{ render(controller('CoreBundle:Stock:getStockLiteBarnacle', {'stockId' : stock.id})) }}
    {% endblock %}